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You might have heard that remodeling can be a difficult and dirty process. It's true! But remember that it is temporary and the end result is worth the wait. Should you choose Donelan Contracting to do your renovation, our ultimate goal is for your project to run as smoothly as possible. This happens best when the homeowner and contractor work as partners, educating one another and addressing areas of concern as they arise.

In the sections that follow we discuss seven such areas:

  • Scheduling
  • Communication
  • Trouble-shooting
  • Changes to original plans
  • Payments
  • Completion
  • Warranty

Your job will happen in phases. We want you to know what to expect from us during each of these phases — and, in turn, what we need from you. Here's a rough idea of what's going to occur in the weeks after we start your project.

Framing. This phase goes quickly. When the framing is complete you will have a rough sense of the shape and scale of your new space(s).



Electrical and plumbing. Many different "specialty" people will be coming and going in your home. This phase often seems like it will never end; in fact, though visible progress is minimal, things are really progressing with a lot of "behind-the-scenes" type of work. 

Drywall. The bad news is that installing drywall is a dusty, noisy job. But the good news is that we are concerned about controlling our mess and working during convenient hours for you. At this stage the job is nearing its end. Please be patient! And, in each phase, always feel free to express your concerns or frustrations.

Finish. This final phase involves many details such as installing trim, installing fixtures, painting, and so on. It may seem like the job is taking forever to finish because of these endless details. But remember that such attention to details can separate a so-so room from a spectacular space. So hang in there — you'll be happy when it's done!

Typically, the lead carpenter is your main contact person from the beginning to the end of your project. This helps keep communication simple. We need one designated contact person on your end as well. This way no misunderstandings arise regarding "who said what to who and when." To further help the communication effort, we suggest face-to-face meetings between the homeowner, Paul Donelan, and the architect on an as-needed basis. Last, but not least, the Donelan Contracting office staff is an invaluable asset. Don't hesitate to call.

Trouble Shooting
Problems and misunderstandings do arise. When they do, always consult the lead carpenter first. Paul can also assist you with your concerns. Don't be afraid to voice your concerns. We want to handle them quickly so they don't get out of hand.

If you want to make a change from the original set of plans, contact Paul first. For everyone's sake, the changes must be put in writing as an addendum to the original agreement. We cannot overstate the importance of keeping every aspect of the job — including the contract agreement and changes made— as clear and concise as possible. This will benefit both you and us. Please do not approach our subcontractors about changing anything, and similarly, do not ask them to do any extra work. We have no obligation to honor changes or extras made directly with the subcontractors. So, if you want to make a change, don't fret; it can be done. But you to need to consult with us directly.

Payments are due when the invoice is presented to you. We appreciate your cooperation in this regard. If you don't pay on time, we take it as a warning sign that something is really wrong, and that we should talk to you as soon as possible. And we will.

Oftentimes, our last, or next-to-last, payment is due at "substantial completion." This can be defined as "the time when the space is usable for its intended purpose." Minor things, such as paint touch-up, replacement of scratched hardware, and the like, may not be completed yet. Any payments for substantial completion are due at this time. When all the items on your completion list are done, the final payment is due.

After your job is complete and final payment has been made, a warranty is activated. The warranty period will be for one calendar year. Items that remain unfinished, which are discovered after completion, will be taken care of under the warranty.

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